Ico Rating
4.7 /5
9.4 /10
4.9 /5
5 /5
About Vege Token
Vege Token Global is The Pioneer Company In The World to Help Farmer using Blockchain technology Vege Token Global helping the farmer.
The Fund from the token sale will help the farmer to open vege shop all across Indonesia and other countries.
Vege Token also offering Security Token Offering (Vege Token with Back Up from the agricultural Business).
Key features of Vege Token.
Strong Community
Vege Token now have the community more than 10.000 Village in 34 Province with more than 200 agricultural Products
Solving small business problems
Vege Token help small farmers to get funding, seed and cost for harvest.
Personal data must be isolated
Vege Token store the database in blockchain and secure for the farmer and Vege Holders.

Why Choose Vege Token?
We believe helping farmers to get funding for their farms will help their productivity and will boost national economy.
Secured Farmers Database.
We protect farmers database and store it in our blockchain and secure apps.
Helping Group of Farmers
Vege Helping the group of farmer to get funding and educate the farmer how to increasing their productivity on farm.
Big Data Insights
All transaction from farmers and token sale will store in blockchain and internal database. With this database Vege team learn how the agricultural business running in one area.
Problem and Challenge
We are creating agricultural transaction and store it in Vege Blockchain. It's big challenge to Vege Company and the management ready for it.
Sustainable Development
Vege Token help the farmer to grow and develop their farms and get better quality of agricultural product. Vege working with Top University in Agricultural Development Program to help the farmers.
- Vege Token Working with Entrepeneur to buy the farmer products and sell it to the market.
- Continue to educate the farmers about good practice of Modern Farming.
- Helping the farmer with high quality fertilizer.
- Connect the farmer with the market directly.
Uneducated Farmer
More than 40 Million of Indonesian farmer are uneducated farmers. Vege Token Academy help the farmer how to implement good farming in Modern era.
Indonesian farmers still do not use agricultural machinery
Indonesia farming area located in the mountain and rural area. This area have the potential but it really hard to use the modern machinery in some rural area.
Difficulties for farmers to enter the market
when harvesting is great, farmers lose money because of low prices in the market.
We are creating apps blockchain based in agricultural business.
Global Single-Platform:
Vege apps will be the Global single Platform for agricultural business. espcially in Indonesia and SE ASIA.
Be Safe and Secure:
using the blockchain technology the vege token apps will be safe and secure to use in the future.
Decentralize Payment Systems
User can use vege token as the decentralize payment systems, fast and secure transactions. Will help the farmer to export their product to other countries.
Blockchain Based DevOps Marketplace
Vege Token also develop the marketplace for vegetable and other agricultural product.
Our Products
Vege Token creating the Blockchain based mobile apps to track the development of the plant and Vege token creating the marketplace for the farmer to sell their product directly to the market.
VEGE Tokens
Our Tokens with a realworld use case created on the blockchain network.
Sales Information
Public Sale Starts | 1st Jan 2023 12:00 GMT |
Public Sale Ends | 30th Jan 2023 12:00 GMT |
Total Token Supply | 900,000 |
Tokens Allocated for STO | 100.000 |
Hard Cap | $9 m |
Soft Cap | $3 m |
Token Value | 1 BNB = 10 VEGE |
Accepted | BNB,USDT |
Token Sale Stage End In
VEGE Tokens
Our Tokens with a realworld use case created on the blockchain network.

Read the Litepaper.
Our main goal is to help Indonesian Farmers to grow their plant, increasing their productivity and helping their economy after Covid-19 Outbreak.
Our Powerful
All-In-One Apps
VEGE Apps is the best apps for the farmers, they can track their plant from the day 1 until harvest time and information about the fertilizer, water conditions, soil humus and conditions.
Why Use Vege Token Wallets?
Safe & Secure
Vege Token Wallet Secure and Safe for crypto transactions. Vege Token wallet also compatible with Trust Wallet, Metamask, Gnosis Wallet, Etc.
Universal and Interactive
Most of the crypto user all over the world already understand how to operate trust wallet, metamask, etc. Vege Token Wallet have the simple design, and easy to use.
Send and Receive
All the Vege user can send and receive their token throught the Vege Token Wallet, Trust Wallet, Metamask, Gnosis Wallet, Etc.

Vege Admin Dashboard
Introducing Complete Admin Dashboard
We designed the VEGE Admin panel to mange back-end of VEGE Token Sales. It’s allows to manage every thing such as KYC, Users, Transaction etc.
- Fully manage KYC application process.
- Online Payment Gateway with Offline Payment option.
- Manage ICO Stage & each stage pricing and bonus option.
- Analytics reports, Token Sales Data and others.
- Newsletter with Emailing options.
- Mobile Friendly and Support all modern browser.
The roadmap to success
What are our major goals?
Our market strategy will prioritise blockchain technology rollout to utilities based on their transformation. View our roadmap to see how exactly we are making that happen.
Vege Token already start to Setup Company and Running Since May 2021 and setup all the preparation.
- MVP of wallet prototype released
- Pre-Sale ICO Starts
- Redesign of website goes live
- Version 2 of Whitepaper released
- Version 3 of Onepager released
Public ICO launch and crowd-sale starts - 5th Januray & Token distribution will commence - 2nd March.
Release our first Vege Token apps for beta testing to our members comunity

>>>>Ni Ketut Kantri>>>>>CEO & Entrepreneur
behind the idea
The Founder
Mrs Kantri is one of the Best Business Woman in Bali, She has experienced on agricultural business for more than 20 Years experience. Now with Vege Token Globak, Mrs Kantri and her team willing to help all the farmers across Indonesia to grow their plant and bring more job opportunities.
Core Team

I Made Yasa
COO & Agricultural Businessman
I Made Yasa has more than a decade experience on agricultural business.
Through vege token he is now helping more farmer to export their agricultural products all over the world.

Mrs Yosefin
CFO & Internal Audit
She is a Great accountant with more than 30 years experience on her field.
Helping Vege Token to grow to a world class company.

I Made Sarjana
Chief Marketing Officer.
He is a great marketer with more than 20 years experience.
I Made Sarjana wellknowns as marketing Guru and help a lot of farmer selling their product to market.

I Ketut Ardana
Drs. I Ketut Ardana.,M.Pd is a lecture in IKIP SARASWATI TABANAN, Bali.
as a professional lecture for many years in university, Mr Ardana help Vege token global as Human Resource Development Department, He help a lot of farmer and agricultural trader to grow and develop their softskills.
Below we’ve provided a bit of ICO, VEGE Token, cryptocurrencies, and few others. If you have any other questions, please get in touch via email.
What is ICO Crypto?
Once ICO period is launched, You can purchased Vege Token with BNB and USDT. You can also buy the token directly to pancakeswap.
What cryptocurrencies can I use to purchase?
You can purchased Vege Token with BNB and USDT.
How can I participate in the ICO Token sale?
Once ICO period is launched, You can participate in the event, remember its limited time for ICO.
How do I benefit from the ICO Token?
Once ICO period is launched, You can get the cheaper price from the vege token, once the price higher then you can sell it or keep holding it.
How Long Vege Token ICO ?
ICO period is launch at 1st of January 2023 - 30 January 2023, You can purchased Vege Token during the ICO Period.
How Much i Can buy Vege Token ?
Decision to buy Vege token is 100% your decision, please DYOR before you buy Vege Token.
Vege Good Investment for Us ?
Vege Token have real project under PT VEGE TOKEN GLOBAL which is the registered company in Indonesia and make sure the project running according to plan.
Any Guarantee for us as the Vege Token Holder ?
our disclaimer already explain, Crypto Activity consider as high risk activity, please do your own research (DYOR) before you buy Vege Token.
How Vege use the Money after selling the token ?
The company will use the fund for helping the farmer and provide liquidity on the market.
Can I sell my vege token after i Buy ?
Yes, you can sell your vege token after buying the token, you can freely sell it to the market.
Why the price of Vege Token will Increasing after listing ?
after listing on Coinmarketcap the price of vege will increase significantly, thats because people can see Vege Token Global have real project to backup the token.
Can I transfer Vege to My Friend ?
Yes, you can transfer vege token to trust wallet, metamask, gnosis wallet or other wallet you use.
Why I have to Buy Vege Token ?
Vege Token have very limited supply that is only 900.000 Vege Token, this will bring the value to Vege Token.
Vege Token have a registered company ?
Yes, vege token under PT Vege Token Global is recognized Company in Indonesia with Official Company Registration
Vege Token have real business ?
Vege token have a lot of real business to help the company have an income in the future.
Can i ask my friends to buy Vege Token ?
Yes, you can referral your link on our website to get more Vege Token into your wallet.